The Spiritual Life

Rev. Joseph Koterski, S.J.

International Catholic University Classics Collection, recorded in 2003

The Church understands the cultivation of holiness as a lifelong process of cooperating with the graces that God gives. The history of the Church makes clear that there are various reliable approaches, including those of Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, Ignatius Loyola, Teresa of Avila, and John of the Cross. In one way or another, all of these figures show us the importance of three stages in this process: (1) the purgative way (confronting sin and gaining freedom from disordered inclinations and aversions), (2) the illuminative way (receiving and accepting the light of Christ), and (3) the unitive way (growing in union with God through prayer). This course emphasizes the thought of great figures in the history of Catholic spirituality.

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30-minute lectures

  1. Introduction

  2. Goals of Spiritual Life

  3. Christ the Way, the Truth and the Life

  4. Recapitulation by and in Christ

  5. Grace

  6. Conversion from Sin

  7. Progress Through Purification

  8. The Sacraments

  9. Further Reflection on Sacraments

  10. The Virtues

  11. Prayer

  12. Examination of Conscience & Discernment of Spirit

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